Chalkboard Grants | Due September 6th

Supporting local educators

Education is the greatest tool available to us today! Through our Chalkboard Grants we hope to empower our communities teachers to help their students learn and grow.

How CCCU Chalkboard Grants have been used

image of baby chicken

Hands-On Biology

Ms. Lofton’s used her Chalkboard Grant to purchase items needed for a hands-on biology lesson for her kindergarten class. With the help of several baby chicks, her class was able to see what organisms need to survive.

image of children in classroom

A Space to Grow

Creating a space that was calming, colorful, and would encourage growth was Mrs. Barmuth’s goal when she applied. We definitely think she succeeded; Here, her students can foster a great love of reading!

image of science project

Out of this World

Mrs. Lind’s science class was able to create an exciting, out-of-this-world educational experience by using her grant to fund a rocket building project for her class. We love the innovative ways our teachers get their students excited about education!

Who can join?

  • Community members who live, work, or worship in Douglas County
  • Immediate family of someone who lives, works, or worships in Douglas County
  • Residents of the following towns in Oregon:
Myrtle Creek
image of douglas county